Mixed Artworks
How to order with different artwork
As you proceed through checkout, each product in your basket will require one of the following options for providing artwork:
1) Upload your own pdf file
2) Design online using HFE Exclusive Online Designer
3) Free design service by the team at HFE Signs
4) Proceed and upload your file later
If, for example, you require two 8ft x 3ft banners with different artwork, you add just one banner to your ‘Shopping Cart’ and then click ‘Continue Shopping’. Go back to the product page (banners for this example) and add one banner again, your ‘Shopping Cart’ will now contain two individual 8ft x 3ft banners, this allows for two artwork requirements. This can be repeated for the mixed quantity you require.
If, for example, you require two banners with the same designs you add the product once and choose quantity 2, this allows for duplicated artworks.